• Confidential assessment
  • Reviewed by our doctors
  • Same-day collection
Hair loss affects 50% of men over the age of 50, yet hair loss can start for some in their 20s.

How our service works

Online consultation

Step 1

Select a medication and complete a short questionnaire.

Our doctors approve your treatment

Step 2

A doctor will assess your answers and, if suitable, provide a prescription.

In-pharmacy collection

Step 3

Your prescription will be sent by our doctors to your chosen pharmacy and you can pay for your treatment in-store.

About hair loss

Hair loss in men – in the form of male pattern baldness – is a genetic condition. It affects around half of all men aged 50, but some as early as their 20s.

The main symptom of male pattern baldness is thinning hair at the sides and the top of the head. It's not dangerous and, if your hair loss isn’t causing you any distress you don’t really need to treat it. But if it’s worrying you, there are effective treatments available, that can slow down, and in some cases, stop hair loss.

Male pattern baldness occurs when hair follicles on the head convert the male hormone testosterone into another hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Affected follicles become more sensitive to DHT, causing them to shrink, weaken, and eventually die. This slows down hair production and can stop hair growth altogether.

While there isn't a cure for hair loss caused by male pattern baldness, there are effective prescription treatments available that can slow the loss and stimulate regrowth.

The treatment we offer is called Finasteride. This works by blocking DHT, stopping the hormone from attacking hair follicles. This treatment is not suitable for women.

It can take between three and six months before you see an effect. This is because of the length of time the hair loss follicles take to go through a full cycle.

As soon as you stop taking the Finasteride, hair loss is likely to come back, so the treatment will have to be taken for as long as you’d like to slow the hair loss.

If you’re not experiencing male pattern baldness, there might be other things that are making your hair fall out. Other causes of hair loss can include:

Hair loss that’s caused by these things can’t be reversed by the treatments we offer. In some of these cases, hair loss is temporary, but we’d always advise you speak to your GP if you experience sudden hair loss.

You can order Finasteride from our hair loss clinic. It can only be prescribed to men.

When you request Finasteride, we'll ask you some questions as part of your online consultation. Your answers will be reviewed by one of our doctors to check it’s right for you.

If they think Finasteride is suitable, they’ll send the prescription to your chosen pharmacy, where you can collect your prescription and pay for your treatment.